Feed the Birds

Pinecone Bird Feeders

The temperatures dropped here in the midwest and our little feathered friends are out looking for food. Over the holiday break the kids and I made these simple pinecone bird feeders to put outside our window. Its amazing how quickly the birds found them and ate the seeds right up! This project is very simple and takes only a few minutes from start to finish. Clean up was a bit of a mess but it was worth it for the joy of bird watching in the days to follow. If you make your own feeders I’d love to see them over on social. Happy bird feeding!

What you will need

Instructions to Assemble

  1. Place peanut butter in a microwave safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds at a time until peanut butter is runny.

  2. Tie twine onto the tops of the pinecones.

  3. Dip pinecones into warmed peanut butter and twirl for an even coating. Pull pinecone out of the peanut butter and let the excess drip off.

  4. Next, roll the peanut butter covered pinecones into the birdseed to evenly coat.

  5. Place the pinecones onto a parchment lined baking sheet and let sit until peanut butter sets back to room temperature (we speed the process by placing them in the refrigerator).

Feed the Birds

Once the pinecone bird feeders were set, we tied them on branches outside our windows. We chose to use the same tree that our pinecones came from giving a full circle life of the pinecone! It was amazing to watch the birds over the holiday break and disconnect from the busy life we live around here. I hope this project inspires you to take the time to bird watch as well.


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